Posts by Gregory Lind
Tips for Dealing with Neck Tension
Neck tension can come about from exercise or from the things we do at work every day. Common jobs that have employees experiencing neck tension include athletes, vehicle drivers, IT specialists, computer programmers, writers, and more.
With the advent of smartphones and screen devices, many folks are experiencing neck tension and seek drug-free pain solutions.
For one, chiropractic treatment represents an amazing drug-free treatment option that will help patients deal with neck pain and muscle tension. Chiropractic has also been shown to correct neck pain and spine misalignment over time, unlocking several health benefits, including drug-free pain relief, better sleep, better GI system, and more.
Neck tension is no joke, but that’s doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today and we’ll set up a custom-tailored treatment protocol that gets the results you’re looking for.
Chiropractic Myths DEBUNKED!
People tend to have a number of incorrect preconceived notions about chiropractic treatment, which qualify as myths — which Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center would like to address, and, in some cases, even debunk.
Read on for a few myths about chiropractic treatment that may be holding you back from experiencing the immense benefits that come along with our treatments/wellness solutions.
Myth #1: Chiropractic is Expensive
Chiropractic treatment is actually the opposite of expensive. Many chiropractors out there will work with your budget to ensure you get the treatment you need at a price you can afford. Many insurance plans cover chiropractic treatment as well.
Myth #2: Only Elderly or Injured Patients Need Chiro
Chiropractic treatment can be enjoyed by all ages and all demographics, helping patients enjoy improved sleep, an optimized GI system, and a serious brain boost. A chiropractic adjustment helps recalibrate the body and brain the all-natural way, no matter your age, even for infants an toddlers!
Myth #3: Chiropractic is Risky
Chiropractic treatments are less risky than even the most common and standard surgeries, not to mention drug intervention. Chiropractic treatment actually reduces a patient’s risk of opioid use and abuse.
Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center to learn more about how our treatments can help get the best out of you.
Summer Wellness Goals
By now, after 4 months of dealing with COVID-19, many of us have gotten used to adapting our schedules and routines to serve the greater good and limit the spread of this serious illness.
This means adjusting our goals, but we still have to remain vigilant in order to have a productive year.
One way to make sure you continue to have a productive year despite COVID-19 is to have specific summer wellness goals.
First, make sure that you stay up on your strength and cardio training. Maybe give yourself a max run or have a seriously long hike in mind for the end of the summer… and work your way toward that day by day.
Try to incorporate a friend in your wellness goals, that way you can hold each other accountable for showing up each day — you’ll be far more likely to hit those goals by the end of the summer.
Eat healthily and try to experiment with your active recovery protocol. A great compliment to a productive summer is chiropractic treatment, which will help your brain and your body fire on all cylinders. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center to learn more about who we are and what we do.
Fourth of July Active Recovery Tips
If you’re planning on getting active this weekend or actively enjoying your holiday weekend celebrating with a few family members and maybe a few friends (while practicing social distancing guidelines, of course), it’s still important to have an active recovery plan.
Instead of wasting the day after July 4th loafing on the couch, there are many options when it comes to activities or practices that will leave you feeling great all day.
Below Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center goes over a few ways to recover the smart way after the Fourth of July.
First, it’s important to eat healthy after the holiday. Clean, whole foods should be placed at a premium after vegging out with family and friends. Staying hydrated throughout the day will also ensure that your body functions at optimum capacity.
Choosing to go on a nature hike might be a great idea to save for the day after 7/4. Going the day after the Fourth of July will more than likely have you coming into less contact with other people, which is still essential during times of COVID-19. Getting out and getting back to nature after celebrating Independence Day will be just what the doctor ordered.
Chiropractic treatment is also a great way to recover from a long weekend, whether it’s from exercise or extracurricular activities. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center to learn more about how our treatments can be an effective component of a great active recovery plan.
Can My Child Benefit from Chiro?
We all know by now that chiropractic treatment has amazing effects on those who are more advanced in age as well as those who experience injuries, but many parents out there question if chiropractic treatment has been shown to be beneficial for children and teens.
The fact of the matter is that patients of all ages have the ability to reap the benefits of chiropractic treatments, which helps kids with growing pains, boosts mood, and even improves sleep and GI functionality.
Chiropractic treatment is a drug-free alternative that offers a plethora of health benefits to our young patients, helping them stay healthy and active. Watch your child’s test scores rise and their athleticism will begin to increase exponentially.
At Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center, we utilize innovative all-natural treatments that address the whole patient, instead of simply masking symptoms. Contact us today to learn more about who we are and how we help entire families stay healthy and well.
Chiropractic for Senior Citizens
Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center would like to remind patients and our readership that chiropractic treatment is an excellent tool for those who are more advanced in age. One simple chiropractic adjustment has the power to increase your flexibility and range of motion, provide drug-free pain relief, and even help boost your mood and get you achieving a better quality of sleep on a nightly basis.
Visiting the chiropractor is not just for someone who experiences back pain or a spinal injury. Conversely, visiting the chiropractor can actually help you avoid injury by recalibrating your body and brain so they are both firing on all cylinders, which will make you perform better and more effectively in your daily functions.
As we get older, our bodies start to experience the effects of gravity more and more. But there’s a lot we can do to make sure our bodies are set up for success in our more advanced ages. Chiropractic treatment is one way to help ensure you stay healthy and active in your later years.
Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center to learn more about how our treatments help entire families.
Protecting Yourself from the 2nd Wave of COVID-19
As COVID-19 closures begin to get a little less strict, we’re seeing more COVID-19 cases pop up around the globe. Sure, this could be affected by the fact that more testing is happening right now when it comes to COVID-19, which means that more “new” cases will be documented.
Now more than ever it’s important for each of us to do what we can to ward off sickness during this time of pandemic.
Protect yourself by exercising regularly and ensuring you continue to work out from home. Get plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Make sure that you get sunlight throughout the day and achieve restful sleep each night to ensure that your body and mind are functioning at optimum capacity.
Make little tweaks in your diet, cutting out junk food and sugary beverages that cause inflammation which jeopardizes your immune system.
Lastly, chiropractic treatment is another great way to protect yourself from COVID-19. One simple chiropractic adjustment can help you achieve more restful sleep, increase flexibility and range of motion, not to mention provide drug-free pain relief. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn about how our treatments can help get the best out of you year-round.
Ultimate Sleep-Boosting Tools
At Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center we can’t stress enough the importance of a good night of sleep, although that’s exactly what many of us eschew on a regular basis in favor of getting other things accomplished.
Just know that when you sleep your body is getting a ton of work done replenishing itself. Your brain also cleanses itself of plaque and toxins that build up throughout the day. 7-9 hours of sleep is what we need each night to show up our best each morning.
There are many tools out there that will help you achieve a better night of sleep.
An acupressure matt/pillow is a good way to relax your body and rid yourself of any tension. An oil diffuser and vaporizer will help your respiratory system, not to mention set a relaxing tone throughout the night for your to successfully get your Zs.
Chiropractic treatment is another great way to help set your body up for success when it comes time to achieve restful sleep. Contact us today to learn about how our treatments can even help patients with insomnia!
Chiropractic for Stress Relief
At Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center, we like to remind our patients and readership that chiropractic treatments have extensive benefits beyond the physical realm.
When it comes to stress, we all have our roles in managing the levels of stress and anxiety in our lives. Chiropractic treatment is a great way to help combat stress and anxiety without drug intervention. Read on for a few details on the subject.
First, chiropractic treatment helps reduce tension in the body, which can come as a result of stress in your daily life.
Chiropractic treatment helps release healthy chemicals in the body that relieve pain and improve your state of mind.
Spine misalignment can deeply corrupt the communication channels of the brain, which chiropractic treatment goes a long way in rectifying.
Lastly, chiropractic treatment can also help you achieve a better and more restful night of sleep, which will also help reduce stress and anxiety without the intervention of drugs (prescription or otherwise).
Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn more about how our treatments can help you relieve stress and live a more peaceful and healthy lifestyle.
What Makes Active Recovery?
Workout rehabilitation and workout recovery has to do with more than simply getting a decent night of sleep after a workout or having a post-workout drink thinking this will cover you when it comes to giving your body the time and space it needs to successfully recover from a workout or even an injury. The truth is, your recovery plan should be nearly as active as your workout plan.
Below, Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center goes over a few hallmarks of an active recovery plan.
First, stretching is extremely important. Take 30-45 minutes to stretch after an hour-long workout. If you skip a session, make up for it! Yoga is your friend. Building an at-home yoga practice will go a long way in improving your body’s functionality and range of motion, not to mention help you bounce back from workouts faster.
At-home tools like acupressure mats/pillows and foam rollers will also ensure your recovery protocol is active. Take 20-30 minutes after each workout to relieve body tension and depressurize. These items will also help promote a better night of sleep.
Chiropractic treatment is also a great active recovery tool. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn about how our treatments go hand in hand with an active lifestyle and an active recovery plan.