
Family Chiropractor

Family Chiropractor Milpitas

Family Chiropractor blogger

The Real Value of Cardio

By Gregory Lind | January 11, 2017

Cardio is exercise at its most basic: it is rhythmic and continuous; it gets your heart rate up and utilizes major muscle groups to burn calories. The reason it works for so many people is that it is relatively low intensity, requires next to zero knowledge and equipment, and conditions your heart to operate at…

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stiff neck

How to Stop Leaving Work with a Stiff Neck

By Gregory Lind | December 22, 2016

Stiff necks are epidemic among deskbound workers. As the main portal between head and body, the neck is subject to the weight and position of the head above and the curvature of the spine below. Spending hours at a desk, often hunched over in front of the computer in the forward head and shoulder posture destabilizes…

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yo jay

Vitamin D In Winter Time

By Gregory Lind | December 18, 2016

Are you part of the majority of people who are deficient in D?  Vitamin D is one of the most important fat-soluble vitamins that we just simply can’t get enough of. In the summer time, 10-15 minutes of exposure to the direct sunlight allows our skin to produce enough of what we need on a…

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The Cool Down

By Gregory Lind | December 18, 2016

How do you finish your work out?  We ask this question because there is one important little step which is often left out of many exercise routines: the cool-down. You have worked hard and earned the endorphin boost that is surging through your body and now you are ready to hit the shower and get…

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The Warm Up

By Gregory Lind | December 13, 2016

With winter fast approaching, there is no better time to talk about warming up!  Warming up truly means warming: a gentle routine should see your body temperature rise and the muscles follow: the transition from cold, contracted muscles to loose and warm ones makes a world of difference when it comes to injury prevention and range of…

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tight shoulders

Stiff Shoulders: a Desk Working Epidemic

By Gregory Lind | December 6, 2016

Tight shoulders are epidemic If you are coming home from a day spent at the desk with tight shoulders, or an upper back full of knots, you are among a legion of Americans whose entire spine is up against it in the workplace. What will differentiate you from the crowd is your willingness to do…

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Healthy Hips: The Load Bearing Joints of Happiness

By Gregory Lind | November 29, 2016

The health of your hips is vastly important Strong and mobile hip joints are not only crucial for athletic performance and agility, but also for the initiation of basic daily movements including rotating and lifting. Unfortunately, more people than ever are shifting these responsibilities of the hips onto the lower back which is a curse…

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Staying Fit in the Winter Months

By Gregory Lind | November 26, 2016

Winter is often the time when people throw their personal fitness gains out the window, exercising less and eating more than any time of the year. It is most likely linked to the shorter daylight hours, which leave people with a small window of time between the end of work and dusk in which to…

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Spinal Health Awareness: An Action Plan

By Gregory Lind | November 23, 2016

Spinal health doesn’t need some arbitrary “Awareness Day” or week or month; the truth is, wherever you are, whenever you can, it is always worth improving your spinal health. At Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, we believe that one of the best ways to enjoy a long life is with a healthy back, but…

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Chronic Pain

By Gregory Lind | November 22, 2016

Chronic pain is a scourge and a national health concern: it is responsible for disabling more people in the United States than cancer or heart disease. And while statistics are alarmingly effective at establishing the scope of the problem, they also divorce us from the human element: people suffering from chronic pain are living degraded…

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Family Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.

Dr. Lind is prepared for you and your family.

In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.

Moreover, we are on top of the most current information available to businesses regarding Covid.