Family Chiropractor
Family Chiropractor Milpitas
Poor circulation in the legs can be painful While it is caused by multiple conditions, poor circulation to the legs often has a predictable outcome: pain, as well as feelings of numbness and weakness. Other symptoms include swelling or pain during physical exertion and feelings of discomfort in the lower extremities while resting. So what…
Read MoreWhy do we need the oxygen to flow? When you take a breath, what does your body do with all that, “air.” Because most cells in the human body are only able to perform aerobic respiration, they need a constant supply of refreshing oxygen to create energy out of glucose; this is the energy needed…
Read MoreNutrition absolutely plays a role in tense muscles Here’s a simple fact: your muscles need the right nutrients in the correct amounts to keep them in a state of health, to keep them repairing and rebuilding. You also need optimally functioning blood vessels to facilitate blood flow to the muscles, bringing them the oxygen and…
Read MoreAthletes put their bodies under stress, it’s up to us to help mitigate the damage In the pursuit of specialization that many athletes enter in preparation for their sport, they put their body through all kinds of motions that can cause injury. Even though you are doing your body a great service by building muscle…
Read MoreThe bridge could be one of the most important movements you’re not doing When it comes to back pain, one stretch-cum-exercise stands above all as offering you some kick-ass treatment for your tender back. The bridge, in its many forms, can be used to reverse many of the problems associated with sitting too much, poor…
Read MoreWhy is core stability important? Core stability may as well mean spinal stability, which is why it is important to develop your core as more than just a nice looking six pack. There is a whole network of muscles here that work together to support your spine and prevent injury from daily movement. Weakness in…
Read MoreTrigger points are a great source of pain, but what exactly are they? The fascia is a layer of tissue that covers the muscles and spreads uninterrupted throughout the body. Following injury to a muscle, there is often an accompanying epicenter of sensitivity. This is called the trigger point; the important distinction is that…
Read MoreShoulders are among the most active joints in our bodies The glenohumeral joint is the ball and socket joint between the scapula and humerus; it is the joint most people are referring to when they say the word, “shoulder.” This particular joint interacts with three other joints to make up the entire shoulder complex…
Read MoreExtension-based pain results from an overextension of the spine. It is the opposite of flexion-based intolerance; rather than being cause by bending over, this kind of pain is caused when your spine becomes extended past normal. It is most present in people who spend the majority of their days standing; often, these people will develop…
Read MoreYour spine is not designed for too much flexion Flexion-based pain is the most ubiquitous back pain of our age- the kind related to being hunched over computers and cell phones; the kind related to sitting more and doing less. Whatever your reason for sitting so much, flexion based back pain results when the spine…
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