
Family Chiropractor

Family Chiropractor Milpitas

Family Chiropractor blogger
Chiropractor for tennis players milpitas

Chiropractic for Tennis Players in Milpitas

By Gregory Lind | February 13, 2018

Tennis encourages unique stresses on the body  Tennis is a sport that people the world over use for fun, friendship and fitness. For being a low-impact sport in terms of physical contact, it is actually quite a high-impact sport in terms of detriment to the joints. As a sport that involves a lot of unique…

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Chiropractic for seniors milpitas

Staying Gold: Chiropractic Eases the Effects of Aging

By Gregory Lind | February 9, 2018

TGoGolWEelocmpdfjaOldYouasdWelAge Age is nothing but a number Aging is felt most keenly in the spine. From our early twenties onwards, many of us gain an awareness of back pain and stiffness that will remain with us until the end of time. Everything from the daily commute and the toil of office work, to the strains of…

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Sleep better milpitas

Sleeping Better Sets the Stage for Weight Loss

By Gregory Lind | February 7, 2018

What happens when we don’t sleep well Sleep is a cornerstone wellbeing. There is a reason we spend up to one-third of our lives doing an activity that literally involves doing nothing. But as soon as sleep quality suffers, we feel it. The ripple effect has ramifications in happiness, productivity, digestion, pain and a number…

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Chiropractor milpitas

The Connection Between Glutes and Back Pain Explained

By Gregory Lind | January 29, 2018

Why training the glutes can help you beat back pain The network of muscles that support your lower back can also contribute to back pain if they are mismanaged. The greatest problem we face is insufficient strength: unless we regularly condition the muscles involved in core stability, they are going to weaken in relation to…

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Back pain milpitas

Ignoring Back Pain is a Bad Habit

By Gregory Lind | January 25, 2018

Your back pain is not something to be ignored Pain is a signal, and it is always worth investigating. The standard prescription for back pain in America is to just ignore it- it will go away eventually. There are even blogs and news articles advocating this very technique. Unfortunately, the logic is flawed; it relies…

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Chiropractor for pregnancy milpitas

Don’t Remember Your Pregnancy for its Back Pain

By Gregory Lind | January 23, 2018

The last thing you need when pregnant is crippling back pain Back pain during pregnancy adds another layer to an already burdensome set of stress-causing circumstances. And yet, a majority of women decide to suffer through the pain, accepting it as integral to pregnancy. We’re here to tell you that this shouldn’t be the case!…

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Exercise milpitas

Choosing Low-Impact Exercise

By Gregory Lind | January 11, 2018

When it comes to spinal health, not all exercise is created equal And while we would never discourage anyone from pursuing an activity that improves their health, we always want to ask: at what price? The fact is, certain activities are excellent for cardiovascular health or improving strength but they come with a toll on…

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Chiropractor milpitas

Musculoskeletal Well-Being in 2018

By Gregory Lind | January 7, 2018

Musculoskeletal disorders are on the rise in the USA  Disease and disorders related to joints, bones and muscles are reaching comparable levels with heart and lung conditions in the United States. Arthritis is already a significant cause of disability in our country, and with an aging population, and a working demographic shifting into more sedentary…

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Water not caffeine

Improving Health in 2018: Start by Drinking More Water and Less Caffeine

By Gregory Lind | December 31, 2017

Water vs. Caffeine Water or caffeine should never be a choice; the former is absolutely necessary for life while the latter we only deem necessary for life. Some medical studies estimate that as many as 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, which paints a damning picture of the working world. We are living in a society in…

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Chiropractor milpitas

Chiropractic and the Road to Wellness

By Gregory Lind | December 22, 2017

Chiropractic’s role within the medical world  B.J. Palmer, known as the, “Developer,” of chiropractic theory once said, “Medicine is the study of disease and what causes man to die. Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes man to live.” This should not be interpreted as a criticism of Western medicine. As we see…

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Family Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.

Dr. Lind is prepared for you and your family.

In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.

Moreover, we are on top of the most current information available to businesses regarding Covid.