Pregnancy Poses Challenges for Pelvic Stability

Pregnancy chiropractic milpitas

Why should we accept pain in pregnancy as a foregone conclusion?

To be sure, there will be some degree of pain, as there is a growing weight inside of your belly! Carrying such a weight around 24/7 places a unique stress on the lower back which leads toAs ligaments at the base of the spine loosen to make way for delivery, the support network for the base of your spine becomes destabilized. Add to this the growing weight of the child and you have the perfect recipe for a number of spinal problems including:

  • Lower back pain
  • Tenderness in the ligaments and muscles that support the core
  • Sciatica symptoms in the lower extremities

But this pain doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion! You can control the extent to which your pregnancy creates back pain by using chiropractic, exercise and stretching. 

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The Brutal Reality of Text Neck

Text neck milpitas

Startling statistics that show how damaging cell phones have become for our spines

Cell phones have moved into our lives to stay. Until we can migrate cell phone functionality into our actual brains, this office of chiropractic can’t see our reliance on handheld devices becoming any less prevalent. But it is worth checking yourself to determine whether your heavy cell phone use could be hurting your spine. Here are some stats that apply to the general population:

  • The average person spends between 2-4 hours a day looking at their phone 
  • 26% of car accidents involve phone usage
  • 75% of cell phone users start their day by looking at their phone

Do you check your phone in the shower or while you are going to the bathroom? How about sleeping with your cell phone on and close to your pillow? The stats show that we are using our cell phones more than ever, and in more situations than ever. Because we are chiropractors, we like to focus on the effects of cell phones on our spines. Unfortunately, this is one of the parts of the bodies that receives a disproportionate amount of damage from cell phone use. 

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Fancy or Flimsy: Footwear Choice Makes a Big Difference in Back Pain

Chiropractor milpitas

When it comes to footwear, what comes first: style or function?

For many of us, answering honestly, it would be style, right? We often choose shoes on the basis of their good looks, perhaps even the brand, before considering how those shoes will support our entire body. But shoes must be looked at as part of the big picture!The fact is, walking is the action with the most potential for reptitive trauma for our entire body. We should strive to walk about 10,000 steps a day; falling short of this, we are still striking the ground thousands of times per day. Each steps represents an opportunity to reinforce patterns of shock that travel up the body, affecting every joint in the lower body and spine. 

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Treating Back Pain with Nonsurgical Decompression Therapy

Decompression milpitas

Decompression is a powerful force for your health

Nonsurgical spinal decompression is a mouthful of a term that generally brings to mind thoughts of surgery or being strapped to a scary table. The truth is, spinal decompression is an all-star modality that helps people naturally manage back pain related to the following conditions: 

  • Sciatica
  • Herniated discs
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spinal arthritis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Facet joint syndrome

And while you can actually create a decompressive effect yourself by performing certain stretches (child’s pose for example), instrument-assisted decompression increases the benefit. Read on to find out how.

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Your Best Golf Season Yet with Chiropractic

Chiropractic for golfers milpitas

Golf is biomechanics at its finest

And the benefit to your body is undeniable! People of all ages use golf as a gentle form of physical exercise and and an extreme test of discipline. It is a game that strikes at the heart of the human experience, where we compete against ourselves to maintain control of our minds and motor control. Along the way, our body is being challenged by a number of motions which are completely unique to the sport- many of these motions carry the potential for injury. Upon deeper investigation, the exercise may not be as gentle as it seems…

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The Role of Hydration in Spinal Health

Chiropractor milpitas

What will it take to get you drinking the appropriate amount of water? 

Every cell in your body contains water, and relies on water to perform basic cellular functions that keep you functioning. But why stop at functioning? Why not strive to thrive? Hydration is one of the fastest ways you can improve overall health and, as we will find below, it has extremely important applications in spinal health. And all you have to do is pick up a glass (or preferably a reusable water bottle) and drink! 

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Chiropractic for Athletes in Milpitas

Chiropractic for athletes in milpitas

Feeling your best starts with exercise

The Olympics are an unparalleled display of the power of sports in the human experience. We watch these athletes, who have dedicated their entire lives to their sport, reach for the pinnacle of perfection. But the greater extrapolation that we see is the happiness and sportsmanship inherent in each event; it shows us that sports, and even simple exercise, are incredibly important for maintaining a high level of well being. There is a neurological reason for this, including: 

  • the release of endorphins, which fight stress and pain, and make you feel happier
  • the release of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, a protein that has a restorative effect on brain function.

These two factors are why we often feel a reset-effect after exercising. So we can agree that the pursuit of exercise is important- how can chiropractors help athletes maximize their musculoskeletal advantage?

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Chiropractic for Tennis Players in Milpitas

Chiropractor for tennis players milpitas

Tennis encourages unique stresses on the body 

Tennis is a sport that people the world over use for fun, friendship and fitness. For being a low-impact sport in terms of physical contact, it is actually quite a high-impact sport in terms of detriment to the joints. As a sport that involves a lot of unique movements, it places unique stresses at local points in the body, as well as increasing the level of stress on your body as a whole. Chiropractic is a modality that understands the unique demands of tennis, and one that helps people maintain a high level of performance while lowering their chance for injury. Let’s take a look at chiropractic‘s role in the great game of tennis.

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Staying Gold: Chiropractic Eases the Effects of Aging

Chiropractic for seniors milpitas

TGoGolWEelocmpdfjaOldYouasdWelAge Age is nothing but a number

Aging is felt most keenly in the spine. From our early twenties onwards, many of us gain an awareness of back pain and stiffness that will remain with us until the end of time. Everything from the daily commute and the toil of office work, to the strains of exercise and taking care of a family, add to the burden. An alarmingly small percentage of the population takes proactive care of their spines; they wait until pain or dysfunction strikes before they do anything about it. So here is lesson 1: if you are fortunate enough to have full range of motion and a spine free of pain, take steps to maintain this blessed advantage. 

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Sleeping Better Sets the Stage for Weight Loss

Sleep better milpitas

What happens when we don’t sleep well

Sleep is a cornerstone wellbeing. There is a reason we spend up to one-third of our lives doing an activity that literally involves doing nothing. But as soon as sleep quality suffers, we feel it. The ripple effect has ramifications in happiness, productivity, digestion, pain and a number of other factors. Take weight for example: many studies have discerned a link between sleep inhibition and weight gain. As an office of chiropractic, this concerns us because obesity is one of the key factors that accelerates spinal degeneration. 

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