Tips to Build a Healthy Back
When we hit the gym and engage in extracurricular activities, somehow the back, spine, and the entire core area of the body can get ignored. Have you ever seen a bicyclist with really built legs, but they seem a little soft around the midsection? It’s because that cyclist hasn’t been engaging their core as much as their supposed to.
Below we go over a few ways you can start to build a great foundation for your back and spine health through exercise and healthy living.
Hydrate Properly
Drink about half your body weight in ounces of water per day. This will help your body and brain function at an optimum level. There’s a reason why water is considered the building block of life!
Lift with Your Back in Mind
Make sure when you hit the gym you’re not solely focused on chest and arms. Instead, opt for a great back workout to better prepare your body for the daily grind.
See Your Chiropractor Often
Making sure to keep regular visits with your chiropractor in Milpitas, CA will ensure that you are doing everything you can to keep your back and your spine in line. Contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation at Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center.
How to Make Spine Health a Priority
Have you ever heard the expression “you’re only as healthy as your spine”?
Chances are you have not, but it’s a popular phrase used in the chiropractic community. The truth is, your spine has a lot to say when it comes to the mind/body connection. When your spine is out of whack, so is your mobility, your cognitive function, your overall alertness, and your overall health.
Below are a few ways you can keep your spine health in mind on a daily basis.
1.) Keep Your Appointments with Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to be beneficial in maintaining your spine health. Chiropractic treatments can help reduce pain, reduce your chances of injury, and increase your mind and your body’s abilities.
2.) Stretch with Your Spine in Mind
Whether you do yoga or you just do your own thing stretching-wise, it’s important to make sure you’re stretching out your neck, back, and your spine. Look up specific yoga poses that target these specific areas to increase your spine health.
3.) Stay Hydrated
Think of water as the motor oil of your body. Your joints and especially your spine appreciate it. Drink about half your body weight in ounces per day.
If you have any additional questions about how you can take care of your back, neck, and spine, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to schedule a visit.
5 Benefits of Massage Therapy in Milpitas, CA
Massage therapy has a whole slew of health benefits, some you might be fully aware of, others you might not be so privvy to, and that’s okay, because Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center is here to break down a few of the benefits that massage therapy brings to our patients.
Below we discuss a few ways massage therapy will help optimize your wellness — it’s one of the many drug-free, all-natural treatments we provide.
1. Eliminate Toxins
Massage therapy works by stimulating soft tissues of the body. MT also helps release your body’s toxins through both your blood and lymphatic systems. It’s a total cleansing experience!
2. Improve Your Overall Flexibility
Massage therapy has the added benefit of loosening and relaxing all of the muscles in your body. MT also helps the body achieve its full range of movement potential.
3. Improved Sleep
Massage therapy will help you seriously relax and bring your mood to a calm level. MT promotes a restful night of sleep.
4. Enhanced Immunity
Massage therapy will help stimulation the lymph nodes, which will re-charge your body’s own natural defense system.
5. Reduced Fatigue/Increased Awareness
Massage therapy has been shown to have mood-boosting qualities which will ultimately reduce your overall fatigue and increase your awareness, making you more alert in your waking life and more restful when you need to sleep.
If you have any additional questions about how massage therapy can benefit you, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today.
3 Ways to Make Yoga Part of Your Daily Routine
At Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center, we like to make suggestions to our patients about how they can live more active, healthy lifestyles outside of their chiropractic care visits with us. A big part of that is not only maintaining a healthy diet and rigorous exercise routine, but it also means engaging in the active recovery that helps our bodies function at their optimum capacity.
It just so happens that yoga is a fantastic activity that both serves as physical activity and an activity of recovery, stretching the body, especially where tightness and strain occur from the daily grind. Below we give a few ways you can incorporate yoga into your daily routine.
1.) Yoga at Work
It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting or standing more during the day, it’s perfectly fine to incorporate some stretching into your workday. Try to do it for a few minutes, three times during your workday, making sure to target your legs, hips, back, neck, and spine.
2.) Yoga While Standing in Line
It doesn’t matter if you’re standing in line at the grocery store or at the bank, you can incorporate a couple of yoga moves to break the monotony. Some may look at you strange, but who really cares? This is your wellness we’re talking about here.
3.) Make Yoga a Part of Your Active Recovery
If you’re an athlete or engage in particularly strenuous physical activity during the week, it’s likely you’ll want to take a day off from everything. But making yoga a part of your off day is a great way to stay active without putting any strain on your body. It’s also a great way to recharge from a hectic training regiment or a stressful work week.
If you have any additional questions about how you can make yoga a part of your daily practice, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn more.
Spring is Here, Time to Loosen Up
Time to break out of your winter slump!
We sit a lot more during winter. And sitting is habit forming- whether you like it or not, the more time you spend motionless, the more your muscles are training to stay habitually contracted. In short, the more you sit, the more likely you are to keep sitting. These muscles are literally developing an aversion to elongation, which means that when its time to stand up and go at the end of the day, you are going to feel stiff.
Why You Should Make Shoulder Mobility a Priority
The importance of shoulder mobility
Shoulders are indispensable; we use them for all tasks great and small, before we even reach the gym. This article will highlight the importance of maintaining both shoulder stability and mobility: the stronger your shoulders are, the more you can do; the more mobile your shoulders are, the more you can do without incurring injury. We make shoulder mobility a priority for everyone we treat, because it makes life so much easier and more comfortable.
Getting the Exercise You Need Despite Your Hectic Lifestyle
2.5 hours of exercise a week?! Where can you find that kind of time?
In the back of your head you know you need to be getting at least 2.5 hours of exercise a week. Let’s break it down: 2.5 hours becomes 150 minutes; you begin to realize that you can hit this goal 2 minutes at a time, in 10 minute increments, in 30 minute bursts or an hour at a time. 150 minutes is yours to customize as you like- get creative. And if you need help getting creative, then come to the experts! We are well-versed in the art of micro-exercise. Sneaking in small doses of fitness in the windows of time between your busy schedule.
Your Spine: A Long Term Health Investment
Your spine will always be central to your wellbeing
In the end, few things matter besides the health and well-being of ourselves and our family. Choosing to lead a long, healthy life takes a lot of commitment and work and can still be derailed by the intangibility of injury and disease. But this shouldn’t scare you off: at Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, we want to help you stack the odds in your favor when it comes to living healthily into old age.
The Most Effective Way for Athletes to Train
Training your body the right way
The body is a reflexive organism: it develops enough muscle to perform the tasks it is regularly called upon to perform. You are training every day to achieve feats of physical strength and activity that go beyond the normal biomechanics of human bodies; at Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, we specialize in supporting these endeavors. The ironic reality of strengthening and specializing the body is that these exertions cause injury: straining tissues to make them stronger and introducing your body to unfamiliar movements that ask more of the muscles. Chiropractic care is being sought after more and more for treatment before and after physical performance.
The Importance of Cervical Range of Motion
Take a moment to appreciate your neck and how it moves
Moving your neck from side to side, forward and back is a range of motion that many of us take for granted until unrestricted motion is gone. For athletes, the cervical region’s health should be a priority; after all, how can you perform with a stiff neck?