3 Hidden Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center specializes in chiropractic care treatments that help our patients achieve a better quality of life — in more ways than one! Below we go over a few ways that chiropractic adjustments that you might not know about.

Chiropractic Helps Your Digestive System

Your GI tract can get out of whack just like your spine, which creates all sorts of problems with the rest of your body and your brain. Studies are consistently showing that your gut health is directly related to your state of mind, too. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to benefit the GI system, improving the digestive tract.

Chiropractic Boost Neurofunctionality

Chiropractic adjustments also benefit your mind/body connection. When our neck and spine get tweaked from everyday activity this can seriously affect the way our brain is able to communicate with the rest of the body, creating a “Dim Bulb” effect. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to boost mental clarity.

Chiropractic Reduces Stress and Improves Your Mood

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to improve our patients state of mind, reduce anxiety and stress, and help patients achieve more restful sleep.

If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic care can benefit you contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today. We have a long track record of keeping our patients in prime health.

A Primer on Spinal & Postural Screenings

When you visit Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center for a spinal & postural screening, it’s a very important step in the establishment of your new wellness protocol. This serves as an initial discovery phase which provides you and your doctor with facts regarding issues you might be having in a neuromusculoskeletal sense.

After a quick spinal & postural screening, we can identify problems that might have gone previously unnoticed. Early identification with treatment will help you prevent experiencing chronic problems.

Here’s Our Screening Process:

We make sure that your pelvis, rib cage, and head are properly aligned and balanced upon each other. When the body is out of balance and out of alignment, this means good posture likely isn’t being practiced and the spine has deviated from healthy placement and position. 

Signs of Poor Alignment:

– Injury
– Disc Pain
– Scoliosis
– Neck and Back Pain
– Arm and Leg pain
– Pain in Your Buttocks
– Numbness or Tingling Sensation in the Arms, Legs, Hands, or Feet

If you’d like to schedule you spinal & postural screening, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to schedule your consultation.

Tips for Daily Stress Reduction

Stress does far more than just affect our minds and our moods. Stress has a direct effect on the body that can result in muscle tension, headaches, illness, and more. That’s why it’s more important in today’s hectic world to be able to manage stress effectively. Below are a few ways to reduce your overall stress on a daily basis.

Stay Active

Turns out we’re genetically wired from our hunter-gatherer ancestors, who spent each day walking no less than 15,000 steps. If you’re not engaging in strenuous exercise multiple times a week, your body and brain are still going to have excess energy to spend, which will likely be spent stressing, worrying, and feeling anxious. Exercising at least 3 times a week — incorporating strength and cardio training — will help you achieve a new level of restful sleep.

Quiet Your Mind

Meditation and practicing deep breathing and mindfulness exercises will help you reduce your stress and improve and build your inner calmness. Meditation is difficult to master, but always worth the effort, paying off in dividends when it comes to your mental health.

Eat Well

Eating well will have you feeling better on a daily basis. It’s true that we are what we eat. Limiting your caffeine intake will also help you reduce stress and anxiety, helping you also achieve more restful sleep.

Chiropractic adjustments are another great way to improve your quality of life. Patients often report back to us with less overall stress, improved sleep, and improved mental and physical functionality. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to schedule your consultation.

4 Tips for a Fun and Healthy Summer

Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center helps people optimize their lives through innovative chiropractic care treatments, but we also provide education to our patients and readership looking to continue their adventures in living a healthy lifestyle.

Below are a few ways to keep your wellness practice going in the summer months, which might be months where some of us slack in multple departments when it comes to our health.

1.) Stay Active

Get into hiking, running, swimming, climbing, paddleboarding — anything that will get you active, and, preferably outdoors. You’ll experience new energy and drive, not to mention innumerable health benefits.

2.) Engage in Active Recovery

On your off days try to make sure you’re not sitting there doing nothing. Avoid Netflix binges and instead go for a hike or take that weekend yoga class. It’s a great way to take care of your mind and body while giving it the space and rest it needs.

3.) Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is pivotal to your health. When dehydrated, you’ll experience fatigue, loss of focus, and your work and play will certainly be affected. Instead, make sure to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

4.) Protect Yourself from UV Rays

If you’re going to be outside, make sure to bring the sunblock. Cover your skin where you can and retreat to the shade if you’re too exposed. Your skin will thank you!

Chirorpactic care treatments are another fantastic way to stay on top of your health this summer. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to schedule your consultation today.

End of Q2 Spot Check

At Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center, we like to stay current on our patients and whether or not they’re achieving their wellness goals. Many of us make new year’s resolutions that run dry well before mid-year, but as May turns to June it’s a great opportunity to see where you are and determine where you need to be in order to achieve your 2019 health and wellness goals.

Below are a few ways you can honestly assess where you’re at with your wellness.

Are You Pushing Yourself?

Being that most of us like to take the path of least resistance, think if there are any areas you can improve in, whether it’s cardio, strength training, or staying up on your chiropractic adjustments.

Are You Doing Active Recovery?

On your days off you don’t necessarily have to be idle. Go for a hike, take a yoga class, or schedule a chiropractic adjustment with Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center. That way even your rest days can be productive!

Pay Attention to How You Feel

Your body will tell you what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong. Eat good, clean, whole foods, exercise, and stay up on your wellness routine. If you have any questions about how chiropractic treatments can help enhance your wellness routine, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today.

3 Tips for a Back-Friendly Memorial Day

At Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center we provide education to our patients that will help them enjoy optimum health outside of our offices. Alongside chiropractic care, following the tips we list below will help you enjoy a healthy life, on holidays like Memorial Day and beyond!

1.) Engage Your Core

If you can paddleboard, this is a great activity that you can do on the lake. Swimming is also a great way to stay active over the holiday weekend.

2.) Hydrate

Staying hydrated is important for your body and your brain’s functionality. Being out in the sun and on the beach for long periods of time can seriously dehydrate you.

3.) Eat Healthy Foods

Instead of eating the traditional Memorial Day fare, why not opt for a healthy salad? Try to incorporate healthy greens and fruits in addition to the hot dogs and burgers.

After Memorial Day weekend, be sure to schedule your appointment with Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center to an adjustment — it’s the perfect companion to a healthy lifestyle.

A Primer on Corrective Exercise

Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center provides many additional wellness services beyond chiropractic care. Corrective exercises are one way to stay active in your recovery from injury or from correcting lifelong issues like bad posture or painful joints.

Below are a few benefits patients can expect from engaging in corrective exercises.

Pitfalls of Bad Form

Poor posture, poor movement, poor balance, and improper lifting techniques can all contribute to daily pain as well as increase your chances of experiencing an injury. Imbalances such as these can certainly cause excessive wear and tear in concentrated areas of the body. This can end up leading to chronic pain or various forms of injuries at work or at play. Chiropractic care and corrective exercise aim to alleviate bad form.

Corrective Exercises Benefits

Corrective exercise provides excellent self-care that is individualized for each patient. We can assist patients in outlining their exercise plans which are specially designed to achieve your personal goals. Personalized exercise plans can help correct irregularities in the body that may be a source of your pain. Our corrective exercises will assist you in spinal alignment and help relieve pain caused by displaced muscle and connective tissues.

Corrective exercise can even with your back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center will assist you in choosing an exercise plan specially designed to target your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation!


Foods and Beverages to Cut from Your Diet Immediately

The stuff we eat has a great impact on our wellness, this is true for health foods, but it’s also true for junk foods and unhealthy beverages that are more engineered for taste and creating lifelong loyalty than providing any sort of nutritional value.

Below, Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center goes over a few foods and beverages that you should cut from your diet immediately.

1.) Sweets

Try to limit your sweets. If you can cut them out of your diet altogether, even better! Processed sugars are horrible for your oral health and your overall health, causing inflammation, leading to diabetes and heart trouble. Try to use dark chocolate or fresh berries and honey as a substitute.

2.) Alcohol

Alcohol has zero nutritional value, causes hangovers, and is riddled with sugars. Many adult beverages are heavy in carbs and some are mixed with sugary beverages — all equal bad things for your health.

3.) Bagels

Bagels supply little nutritional value on their own. Sure, you can put healthy stuff on a bagel, but the bagel in itself is loaded with carbohydrates. Try to go with a low-carb option with lots of seeds.

4.) Pizza

This one might be the toughest, but pizza is also loaded with carbohydrates and is high in grease and the bad sort of fats. Try to limit your pizza intake, try to go with veggie-heavy options, and opt for the thinnest crust possible. Almond flour crusts are a great alternative.

5.) Sodas

Sodas are loaded in sugar and have been shown to increase your chances of becoming diabetic.

If you have any questions about how to optimize your diet or if you’re wondering how chiropractic care can play into your overall wellness routine, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to schedule your consultation.

3 Tips to Achieve Better Sleep

Sleep is an important part of wellness, an opportunity for your body to rest, recharge and cleanse itself from the toxins of daily life. When we don’t get enough sleep we can reduce our overall effectiveness. Lack of sleep can affect your jobs, our ability to drive, not to mention reduce our quality of life in all aspects.

Below are a few ways to get better sleep every day.

1.) Stay Active

Try to do something active every day and make sure you exercise 3-5 per week. Even on your off days, try to engage in active recovery. We come from hunter/gatherer tribes, which means that our ancestors were used to getting something like 15,000 steps per day. If we’re not getting the right amount of activity, this can lead to anxiety and lack of quality sleep.

2.) Eat Well

Eating well and staying away from too much caffeine and sugary foods will ensure that you get better sleep and your body will run at a more optimum capacity.

3.) Meditate

We use the term “meditation” loosely. You might consider playing the guitar a meditation of sorts, even working on your car. Or, you might engage in more Buddhist-like meditation. Whatever you do to clear your mind and let your thoughts settle, you should try to do it for at least 10 minutes daily for better sleep and reduced anxiety.

Chiropractic care is also a great avenue to ensure your body and mind are working in harmony. Some patients even experience improved sleep, reduced anxiety, and reduced insomnia. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center if you think chiropractic care might be for you.

How to Engage in Active Recovery

When it comes to recovering after a workout or a strenuous week of work and exercise, it’s important to remember that we don’t necessarily have to be immobile on our “day’s off.” Athletes insist that one cannot overtrain, but one can under-recover.

Active recovery is a fairly new concept but is something that active people have been doing for centuries. All active recovery means is getting out and doing something light instead of binge-watching television. It’s a great way to push your body a little bit while giving it a rest and an opportunity to recover and bounce back for the next endeavor.

Below are a few ways to engage in active recovery.

Do Light Yoga

Incorporating a light yoga routine into your days off will do wonders for your body and your recovery.

Go on a Hike!

Hiking is a great way to engage in active recovery. It’s low impact and in some steep slopes can still help you build leg muscle.

Visit Your Chiropractor

Visiting your local chiropractor is a great way to engage in active recovery. You’ll be giving your body a rest, to be sure, but you’ll also be giving your body and mind the host of benefits that come along with chiropractic care. If you’d like to learn more about how chiropractic can help you live a better, more active, more fulfilling life, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today.