Dr. Gregory Lind, DC
Dr. Gregory Lind, DC is a wellness expert with 37 years of experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. He operates Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center in Milpitas, California. His philosophy of integrating body, mind, and spirit allows him to achieve optimal performance, well-being, and health with his patients.
Specializing in Family Care, Sports Injury, Auto Accidents and Work Injury.
Chiropractor Milpitas
Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.
Recent Blog Posts
Clear Cut Calcium: an Essential Mineral
Calcium’s main role in the body is maintaining bone mass and regulating the functioning of heart, blood, muscles and nerves. Insufficient calcium circulating through the body means the body will leach calcium from the bones to run its other programs, leaving the bones weak and vulnerable to injury. As we get older, bones become more…
Lumbar Health
There are many reasons for protecting the integrity of the lumbar region, a chief one being the network of nerves that diverge from the spinal cord at this point and influence a whole host of functions in the body, including the mechanics of the hips and knees. Between each vertebra is a disk which acts…
Thoracic Range of Motion
Attention all shoulder slumpers! The 12 most understated vertebrae in your back could be the secret to spinal longevity: I am talking about the thoracic vertebrae, the region that encompasses your shoulders and chest. With all the importance placed on core strength and lumbar health, thoracic vertebrae and their crucial role in the upper body’s…