Dr. Gregory Lind, DC
Dr. Gregory Lind, DC is a wellness expert with 37 years of experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. He operates Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center in Milpitas, California. His philosophy of integrating body, mind, and spirit allows him to achieve optimal performance, well-being, and health with his patients.
Specializing in Family Care, Sports Injury, Auto Accidents and Work Injury.
Chiropractor Milpitas
Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.
Recent Blog Posts
Breakfast Amidst a Busy Schedule
Breakfast is a sensitive subject You have no time for breakfast and you are never hungry in the morning. Perhaps your brain and body have gotten used to going without a morning meal- they have forgotten what it feels like to be fed between 9 and 12. Whatever the case, breakfast is a casualty of…
Breathing: For Better or Worse
What quality of breath are you drawing? Many Americans practice chronic shallow breathing; this leaves us well short of our best when it comes to staying happy and healthy. Here are reasons why it helps immensely to relearn how to draw a good breath! Every single cell needs a constantly refreshing supply of oxygen to perform cellular…
The Real Value of Cardio
Cardio is exercise at its most basic: it is rhythmic and continuous; it gets your heart rate up and utilizes major muscle groups to burn calories. The reason it works for so many people is that it is relatively low intensity, requires next to zero knowledge and equipment, and conditions your heart to operate at…