Dr. Gregory Lind, DC
Dr. Gregory Lind, DC is a wellness expert with 37 years of experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. He operates Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center in Milpitas, California. His philosophy of integrating body, mind, and spirit allows him to achieve optimal performance, well-being, and health with his patients.
Specializing in Family Care, Sports Injury, Auto Accidents and Work Injury.
Chiropractor Milpitas
Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.
Recent Blog Posts
Swimming With Back Pain: What Strokes to Avoid
Swimming is great for back pain sufferers Depending on the type and severity of your back pain, it may be one of the only advisable activities for maintaining fitness without causing further stress to your spine. Swimming is a low-impact, aerobic exercise that tones the entire body without causing stress to the spinal joints. Therefore,…
A Friendly PSA: Remember How To Lift
We despair at the number of spinal injuries which could have been avoided Case-in-point: the simple act of lifting. We all know to lift with our legs and hips rather than our backs, yet so many of us persist, out of sheer laziness or ignorance, in bending over and lifting with our backs. But take…
Runners Suffering With Lower Back Pain
Running can be detrimental to the spine As good as it is for aerobic fitness, endurance training and overall wellness, you have to know when your running habit (for some, read: addiction) is causing a problem for your spine. Running is a compression-heavy sport: every footfall creates a compression for the joints and discs of…