Chiropractic Treatment for Basketball Players
Out of respect for the NBA Finals that is now full underway, we’d like to provide some useful information about how our treatments at Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center benefit those who play the game, whether it’s professionally or as an amateur/enthusiast.
First, the game of basketball itself puts a ton of strain on your back and your joints. Jumping up as high as you can and landing on either a hardwood court or pavement will certainly have an impact on your spine, your lower back, your knees, hips, and your ankles.
Even shooting the ball will give you shoulder problems down the road. But do you really want to end up looking like Bill Walton does now when you try to walk up a flight of stairs.
One good way to counteract the abuse you put your body through on a daily basis as an athlete is chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment helps ease the tension from over-training, not to mention provides drug-free pain relief that will help you on those days when your old aches and pains show up to haunt you.
Chiropractic adjustments can also help increase your flexibility and improve your range of motion, which will make you more effective on the court.
Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn more about how our treatments help patients of all ages and from all walks of life. We have a rich history of getting great results!