The Stress Behind Hypermobility Syndrome
Hypermobility syndrome
We live in a society that is defined by the poor range of motion (ROM), that results from sedentary lifestyles and counterproductive behavior. But as much as 10% of our population is living with the opposite problem; the science may say that full range of motion is best, but what happens when you exceed that? Hypermobility refers to a condition in which your joints have too much ROM. Most often a hereditary trait, hypermobility, also known as congenital laxity, or ligamentous laxity, involves joints that can move beyond and even well beyond standard, healthy range of motion. It may seem that individuals who are double-jointed enjoy a natural advantage, and indeed it can be advantageous for young athletes who manage the condition appropriately. But the more startling reality for people with hypermobility occurs when their condition turns against them. Because the joints are so mobile, and so loose, they lack the stability necessary to prevent pain and injury. As you get older, the pain and dysfunction within a given hypermobile joint can become chronic, and then the condition becomes a syndrome.
Managing hypermobility syndrome in Milpitas
The other startling truth is that there is no be-all, end-all cure for hypermobility syndrome. The area around the joint may become stiff and sore from time to time, and this is your body’s natural response that is warning you to be careful how you move- excess movement is bound to cause injury at this point. At Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, we take a proactive approach to treating hypermobility syndrome. The first step is a proper diagnosis- it is shocking how many people we treat for hypermobility have never been previously diagnosed with the condition. Whether due to the carelessness or ignorance of past health providers, these patients may have been pursuing treatment methods that were completely counterproductive to their condition. For example, stretching the region around the joint is not only unhelpful, it can be downright dangerous. Instead we want to focus on more adding stability into the region through targeted strength training.
Choosing natural healthcare for hypermobility syndrome
If you suspect that hypermobility is at the root of your joint pain and dysfunction, give our office in Milpitas a call to schedule an appointment today.