Dr. Gregory Lind, DC
Dr. Gregory Lind, DC is a wellness expert with 37 years of experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. He operates Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center in Milpitas, California. His philosophy of integrating body, mind, and spirit allows him to achieve optimal performance, well-being, and health with his patients.
Specializing in Family Care, Sports Injury, Auto Accidents and Work Injury.
Chiropractor Milpitas
Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.
Recent Blog Posts
Your Brain Tangling with Stress
The brain is the organ most affected by stress Stress and the associated hormone cortisol are well known and studied for their effects on the body, but it is important to remember there is an equal and perhaps even more devastating effect on the brain. Symptoms of a brain exposed to stress for long periods…
The Physical Side of Stress
Stress is a key contributor to subluxation of spinal joints While not all stress is bad, very few of us know how to achieve a balance between good and bad stress. By all accounts stress leads to tension and this manifests itself in your muscles: muscles all over the body contract in response to stressful…
Recognizing the Signs of Stress
Stress is inevitable; let’s talk about limiting it’s presence Stress isn’t all bad; in fact some studies suggest that there is a perfect amount of stress to compliment your well-being. While stress is a source of motivation and problem solving, it can also take more than it gives. But how do you determine your line…