
How Much Schooling Does a Chiropractor Really Have?

Some folks might think that a chiropractor is a bonafide quack of sorts, lacking much traditional medical schooling, but that is simply not the case. At Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing we like to be transparent about our treatments as well as what we do. It just so happens that being a chiropractor comes along with extensive educational requirements.

A lion’s share of chiropractors have already taken four years of pre-med undergraduate courses before even considering and applying to chiropractic colleges. Your local chiropractor in Milpitas, CA likely has studied subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, not to mention extensive lab work.

After a student is accepted into an accredited chiropractic college, this is when the truly arduous workload commences.

Over the course of 4 or 5 academic years beyond undergraduate study, a chiropractor learns the hands-on adjusting techniques they use in their day-to-day practice. A chiropractor’s training must be deep and detailed because the spine is such an integral part of the body that is inextricably connected to your overall wellness.

Most educational curriculums for chiropractors include minimum classroom, lab, not to mention clinical experience (4,200 hours). In short, chiropractors are highly educated and highly skilled. A chiropractic care specialist have to be able to assess very specific health conditions, give sound advice, and, lastly, PROVIDE EFFECTIVE TREATMENT. Otherwise, this chiropractor would have no patients.

If you have any additional questions about who we are and what goes into what we do, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing today to learn more.