
Family Chiropractor

Family Chiropractor Milpitas

Family Chiropractor blogger

Stress Management

By Gregory Lind | December 19, 2022

Stress comes in many shapes and sizes and doses and it has a precarious relationship with the workplace. While working to make money to live is necessarily one of the largest stressors in human existence, there are ways to manage your stress to avoid becoming entirely spun out. Everyone knows that guy or gal who…

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Breathe Better

By Gregory Lind | December 9, 2022

A sub-conscious activity that we sometimes perform in excess of 20,000 times a day? A lot of people would probably jump to blinking, which is correct also, but how about breathing? And while the muscles that control the reflexes of blinking stay in good working order throughout life, this is not necessarily the case for…

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Foods for Strong Bones

By Gregory Lind | November 26, 2022

One of the greatest things we can do to combat the bodily degeneration that comes with aging is to fortify our bones! Conditions such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis have traditionally been associated with the elderly, but the startling fact is that with a shift toward a more sedentary society, Americans are facing the…

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Running Form

By Gregory Lind | November 16, 2022

For all of its health benefits and ease of accessibility, it is almost unequaled as a mode of exercise and, at our chiropractic office, we celebrate the runners in our community. We also want to help them minimize the collateral damage incurred by joints in the back (not to mention, the knees!) which are exposed…

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Plank you very much!

By Gregory Lind | November 7, 2022

Planking is a super exercise This exercise is a total body tonic because it focuses on building the core, which is the foundation from which the rest of the body can be developed on. Before you start to address the issues that have your shoulder and upper back in knots it is prudent to establish…

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Lifestyles of the Anti-Inflammatory

By Gregory Lind | October 28, 2022

Inflammation is one of the most insidious agents of disease because it starts with something good and necessary, the body’s natural healing response, and evolves into something destructive. Chronic inflammation compromises the systems of our body and leaves us open to the perils of age and life-altering conditions, including cancer and heart disease. Reducing inflammation’s…

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Staying Fit and Flexible

By Gregory Lind | October 18, 2022

Can you remember how it felt to move as a child? the freedom of knowing that you could trust yourself in any movement with the safety net of knowing that most injuries could be swiftly and fully healed. As we age, the consequences of injury become more severe, which makes prevention all the more important.…

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Winter is Coming, Warm Up To It

By Gregory Lind | October 6, 2022

The cold weather of winter slows our muscles down.  This has a far-reaching impact when it comes to the range of motion and physical performance throughout the day. Whether you are working out or going to work, stepping out into the cold chill of the morning can cause muscles to lose heat and contract which…

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Chiropractic & The Common Cold

By Gregory Lind | September 30, 2022

The common cold is perhaps the most widely experienced illness in America  And we are now entering its prime season. As viruses attack on all fronts (nose, throat sinuses, lung, muscles), we begin to sniffle; our heads get stuffy and we start to feel tired. Then we reach for the medicine cabinet, masking the symptoms…

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A Road Map of Poor Posture

By Gregory Lind | September 21, 2022

For most people posture is a marginal daily consideration, so it makes sense why desk jobs can inflict so much damage on the average worker. Sitting is the position most conducive to poor posture and probably the quickest to cause spinal degeneration; it is also the position that lends itself to comfort and, in our…

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Family Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.

Dr. Lind is prepared for you and your family.

In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.

Moreover, we are on top of the most current information available to businesses regarding Covid.