Exercise snacking milpitas

Exercise Snacking Your Way Through this Holiday Season

Life is busier during the holiday season- that means it’s time to adjust your fitness habits

You’ve worked hard all year to reach the plateau of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week. But with the holiday season in full swing, you have noticed a dip in activity levels. This is likely going to accelerate as the month moves along, culminating in a week of festivities and feasting around Christmas that leave you with even less time to exercise. Amidst all the baking, socializing and shopping, some people quit their fitness plans completely. Don’t let this be you this holiday season! Read on to find our tips for finding exercise amidst the chaos of Christmas.

Exercise snacking your way through the holiday season

This concept is adapted from fitness trainers who cater to clients living on-the-go lifestyles all year around. At times, these people can rarely afford to dedicate a full hour per day to a fitness regimen. Instead, they maintain their health by exercise snacking- working out in ten minute increments 2-3 times per day to reach your fitness quota. 10 minutes is sufficient time to:

  • Jog or brisk walk around the block (or on the treadmill)
  • Perform a high-intensity bodyweight circuit
  • A short yoga circuit

Don’t give up all your hard earned progress this holiday season; likewise, don’t start the new year off at a fitness disadvantage.

Instead focus on adjusting expectations- yes you are going to work out less and eat more. But don’t beat yourself up over a single pound gained. Instead accept that this season is a game of damage limitation. Coming out one pound heavier is a win in this scenario! If you are looking to balance your body after the chaos of Christmas, give our office in Milpitas a call to schedule an appointment. We help realign your spine and set you on the right foot forward as the New Year approaches.