
Breakfast Amidst a Busy Schedule

Breakfast is a sensitive subject

You have no time for breakfast and you are never hungry in the morning. Perhaps your brain and body have gotten used to going without a morning meal- they have forgotten what it feels like to be fed between 9 and 12. Whatever the case, breakfast is a casualty of the busy lifestyle and often we end up gorging ourselves later or opting for something insufficient (such as a doughnut) to suffice in its place.

What you forego when you forget about breakfast:

  • Metabolism gains: leading to less calories burned throughout the day.
  • A substantial boost in energy: breaking the fast can also be a time to power up your morning with an energy-rich diet. 
  • Stabilizing blood sugar levels: glucose levels need to be restored in the blood to prevent feelings of “hangriness.” 
  • A chance to regulate stress hormones: cortisol levels are often at their highest around 7 AM and eating a balanced breakfast helps to lower them. 

A breakfast challenge

So here’s our challenge: can you carve out ten minutes (or less) in the morning to chow down on one of these delicious, easy recipes? 

  • Apples and peanut butter
  • Oats and yogurt (and strawberries)
  • Toast, avocado and egg

Even pre-packaged protein bars can give you a healthy boost that will keep your satiated and productive until lunch time. For the busy person, focus on getting between 300 and 500 calories of good fat, protein and fiber in your mornings!

Dr. Gregory Lind, D.C. 

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Gregory Lind

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