Back Went Out? Chiropractic Can Help!

As we age our bodies tend to be less effective at doing certain things. Even though we’re less able to perform rigorous tasks without experiencing adversity, pain, or even injury, we still push ourselves to those same limits we were able to reach when we were younger.

Many patients we see at Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center experience back injuries, including throwing their backs out.

When our backs go out, it’s a pretty helpless feeling, but chiropractic treatments are designed to help you endure and even treat back injuries that occur as we age.

If your back has gone out recently, it’s a good idea to schedule a consultation with a chiropractor in your area. Chiropractic adjustments will help your body function at optimum capacity, treat pain and discomfort the drug-free way, and help you avoid future injury.

Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn more about how chiropractic adjustments can help you live a more comfortable, healthy, active life.

How to Improve Your Nutrition Today

Eating intelligently is of paramount importance in maintaining a healthy life and achieving longevity. Below, Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center goes over a few ways to improve your overall nutrition and start experiencing an immense amount of health benefits today.

Eat Your Vegetables

Making sure that you eat your vegetables is crucial in living a healthy lifestyle. Vegetables are packed with nutrients that will help fuel you throughout the day.

Cut Down on Sweets

Try to limit yourself to sensible dessert. Dark chocolate and organic peanut butter is a healthy alternative to, say, chocolate cake. Try to get your sugar fix from fresh fruit.

Think About When You Eat

Don’t eat past 8pm if you’re going to bed around 10 for better sleep and improved digestion.

Eat Clean, Whole Foods

Staying away from processed foods will help your GI system stay functioning at optimum capacity. Once you’re eating healthy, you’ll really start to notice any time you deviate from your diet, because you’ll likely feel pretty awful when you eat junk food once your body no longer craves it.

Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn more about how chiropractic treatments can be the ultimate companion to a healthy diet in the aim of achieving a healthy lifestyle.

Chiropractic for the Martial Arts

Did you know that chiropractic can serve as an amazing antidote to an active lifestyle that includes a rigorous martial arts discipline? Many MMA fighters and martial artists have close relationships with their chiropractor to boost recovery and serve as a drug-free pain solution.

Below are a few key ways that chiropractic adjustments benefit martial artists.

It’s Good for Your Joints!

Chiropractic is good for your joints, which take a serious toll during the repetitive drills covered in martial arts. Your knees, ankles, shoulders, and elbows are susceptible to wear and tear, not to mention pain and injury.

It’s Good for Cognitive Function

Chiropractic treatments have been shown to improve communication from the brain to the rest of the body. Your spine is interconnected to the nervous system and can get seriously jammed up during the daily grind, not to mention at the dojo.

Improved Immune System

You might come into contact with germs at the dojo. Chiropractic treatments have been shown to improve the digestive system and the immune system, which will help you stay consistent with your training.

If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic treatments benefit martial artist, contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today.

Tips to Start Saving Your Back Now

We take our bodies for granted until they start reminding us that we need to take care of ourselves. Our back and spine are crucial to our wellness and our mobility in multiple ways. At any stage in the game, it’s a good idea to start being more mindful of the daily pressure you put on your back, not to mention start utilizing activities, methods, and techniques that will help strengthen your back and save you from costly injuries down the road.

Below are a few ways to start saving your back today.

Get Active

When you’re at the gym, make sure that you engage your core muscle groups, not to mention engage in lifts that help strengthen your back, which will make your back feel strong and ready for whatever you have coming.

Recover Intelligently

Engage in active recovery, which can include a day of yoga or a nature hike instead of binge-watching Netflix on the couch. You’ll get something done while giving your body the time and space it needs to recover. 

Perfect Your Posture

If you’re walking around or sitting with bad posture, now is the time to correct that problem. Sitting with good posture will help strengthen your back and make you feel better day-to-day.

Chiropractic treatments are also designed to help provide drug-free pain relief, not to mention help you avoid injuries down the road, not to mention treat the injuries you’re living with today. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to schedule your consultation.

3 Easy Productivity Hacks

Have you ever thought to yourself that there’s just not enough time in a day to get done what you need to get done? Trust us, you’re not alone. That’s why we decided to give our patients and readership some educational information about how one can be more productive on a daily basis.

Read on for a few easy tricks to tweak your lifestyle so you can start completing more of your daily tasks.

1.) Exercise

This might seem counterintuitive since you have so many things going on. However, by taking an hour to exercise, whether it be hitting the weights, running, or even something like Muay Thai training, you’ll get your endorphins flowing and you’ll feel better day-to-day. You’ll actually start to notice when you don’t get a workout in because your energy and positivity levels will seem low.

2.) Break Your Day Down By Hours

Try to start breaking your day down hour-to-hour. You’ll start to see pockets of time where you might not be efficient. You might set aside an hour to get something done that only takes 20 minutes, then be frivolous with the rest of that hour. By doing a self-audit you’ll be forced to see where you can be more efficient.

3.) Stop the Party

We get it, people like to go out. But you don’t need to spend your time in late-night bars anymore. Think of an hour spent in a bar — unless you’re working — as an hour wasted. When you start saying “No” to “The Party” you’ll see that your energies are far better spent in other areas of your life.

Chiropractic treatments are a great way to unlock new potential in yourself as well. Contact Family Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center today to learn more.