Archive for February 2019
Your Spine: A Long Term Health Investment
Your spine will always be central to your wellbeing
In the end, few things matter besides the health and well-being of ourselves and our family. Choosing to lead a long, healthy life takes a lot of commitment and work and can still be derailed by the intangibility of injury and disease. But this shouldn’t scare you off: at Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, we want to help you stack the odds in your favor when it comes to living healthily into old age.
The Most Effective Way for Athletes to Train
Training your body the right way
The body is a reflexive organism: it develops enough muscle to perform the tasks it is regularly called upon to perform. You are training every day to achieve feats of physical strength and activity that go beyond the normal biomechanics of human bodies; at Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, we specialize in supporting these endeavors. The ironic reality of strengthening and specializing the body is that these exertions cause injury: straining tissues to make them stronger and introducing your body to unfamiliar movements that ask more of the muscles. Chiropractic care is being sought after more and more for treatment before and after physical performance.