
Staying Fit in the Winter Months

Winter is often the time when people throw their personal fitness gains out the window, exercising less and eating more than any time of the year. It is most likely linked to the shorter daylight hours, which leave people with a small window of time between the end of work and dusk in which to get outside and exercise in considerably colder weather. So a winter fitness plan necessitates some shifts, both in attitude and activity; for example, waking up early and fitting in a bit of exercise before work, or breaking up your activities into smaller chunks of time throughout the day. However you do it, the important part is that you do it! Remember, that 30 minutes a day is all it takes! 

  • Running in the winter can be fun, given the appropriate equipment that keeps you warm! 
  • Go to the gym, or make a home gym: make a plan that fits your budget constraints. While the gym is a great place to get guided instruction, there is plenty to be reaped from fitness DVDs, blogs and YouTube! 
  • Nutrition: worth repeating to focus on vegetables and fruits, even if you consume extra calories in the form of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. 
  • Playtime: make it fun; get out in the snow and sled or make snow angels. 
  • If all else fails, take a walk: by yourself, with the family or the dog, 30 minutes of brisk walking is enough to get your body moving, the heart rate slightly higher and muscles moving minimally. 

Exercise is also important during winter because it keeps up the health of the immune system which is important for people who don’t like being bedridden by the common cold or seasonal flu! At Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, we urge you to not lose sight of why you made those fitness gains during summer in the first place. Cold weather should not make you soft, but it should make you adjust. If you need help getting enthused about working out during winter and keeping the stress of the season off your back, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Dr. Gregory Lind, D.C. 
