Dr. Gregory Lind, DC
Dr. Gregory Lind, DC is a wellness expert with 37 years of experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. He operates Family Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center in Milpitas, California. His philosophy of integrating body, mind, and spirit allows him to achieve optimal performance, well-being, and health with his patients.
Specializing in Family Care, Sports Injury, Auto Accidents and Work Injury.
Chiropractor Milpitas
Chiropractor Milpitas Ca.
Recent Blog Posts
A More Calculated Approach to Treating Back Pain
Flipping the script: a new way to look at your back pain If you knew that the traditional methods for treating back pain were considered only somewhat effective and that some could cause even more harm than benefit, would you continue prescribing these methods? Faced with overwhelming evidence that traditional methods are failing our community…
Turn Walking into A Full Body Tonic
Walking is one of the most powerful ways you can influence your spinal health Measured by total number of steps, Americans walk less than most other developed countries which is a problem when you consider that walking more is linked with weighing less. And keeping the weight down is one of the best things you…
Daily Habits That Contribute to Back Pain
Even seemingly innocuous activities contribute to back pain… So much of life is blazed through in a haze of semi-consciousness; when you are sidelined by back pain, it is hard to scan through the past days, months and years to determine the cause of the pain. In all likelihood, the pain has emerged from a…