
Chiropractic for Joint Pain Conditions

Chronic joint pain is a drain on quality of life 

Joints are the workhorses of the human body; they are the structures where bone meets bone, providing the functions of range of motion and shock absorption. As an office of chiropractic, a set of joints we treat on a regular basis are the facet joints. Facet joints, of which there are two in every spinal motion segment, allow for stable articulation between the vertebrae. They are small and, because they are so often used, they are frequently injured.

Facet Joint Syndrome is a common cause of back pain

Each facet joint is encased in a joint capsule filled with synovial fluid, the lubricating material that contributes to joint health. This capsule is covered by hyaline cartilage and the overall role of the entire structure is to stabilize the spine- to prevent damage from occurring due to excessive motion. When damage occurs to the joint capsule, whether due to acute injury or repetitive trauma, back pain, swelling and inflammation is a natural result. Most instances of FJS will heal themselves within a 6 week time period, but chiropractic helps to empower your body to heal quicker and prevent the injury from recurring. 

Chiropractic is effective at healing Facet Joint Syndrome

A chiropractic examination can determine whether your back pain may be caused by FJS. If so, we proceed with a dynamic plan for treatment including conservative methods for empowering your body’s ability to heal. These include:

  • Chiropractic adjustment to align the spine and re-hydrate the facet joints.
  • Lifestyle adjustments to account for your injury.
  • Decompression therapy including manual and instrument-assisted traction to open up space between the vertebrae. 
  • Advice on posture and diet to help support the healing process.

If you suspect you may be suffering from Facet Joint Syndrome, give our office a call to schedule an appointment and speed up the healing process today. 
