

Postural disorders, characterized by misalignments or abnormalities in the body’s posture, can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being. Addressing these issues is crucial, and chiropractors play a pivotal role in providing active solutions to alleviate discomfort and improve posture.

Chiropractors actively assess and treat postural disorders by employing a hands-on, proactive approach. Through a thorough examination, they identify imbalances, misalignments, and musculoskeletal issues that contribute to poor posture. This active diagnostic process enables chiropractors to tailor their interventions to the specific needs of each individual, recognizing that postural problems can vary widely among patients.

Chiropractors actively engage with their clients to educate them about the importance of proper posture. This involves not only addressing the immediate issues but also actively empowering individuals to actively participate in their own postural health. Through active communication and education, chiropractors guide their patients in understanding the detrimental effects of poor posture on the spine, joints, and overall well-being.

One active method employed by chiropractors to address postural disorders is spinal adjustments. Through precise and targeted manipulations, chiropractors actively correct misalignments in the spine, promoting optimal alignment and reducing strain on surrounding muscles and joints. This hands-on approach actively restores proper biomechanics, allowing the body to function more efficiently and reducing the likelihood of further postural issues.

Chiropractors also actively incorporate therapeutic exercises into their treatment plans. These exercises are designed to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and actively promote better posture. By actively engaging patients in therapeutic exercises, chiropractors empower them to actively participate in their recovery, fostering long-term improvements in postural alignment and overall musculoskeletal health.

In addition to hands-on interventions, chiropractors actively collaborate with patients to develop personalized plans for postural improvement. This may involve lifestyle modifications, ergonomic adjustments, and active strategies to incorporate better posture into daily activities. This collaborative approach emphasizes the active role that individuals play in maintaining and sustaining the benefits of chiropractic care for postural disorders.

Furthermore, chiropractors actively advocate for preventive measures to avoid future postural issues. Through ongoing consultations and active monitoring, they guide patients in making active lifestyle choices that support good posture and overall spinal health. This proactive approach aligns with the philosophy of chiropractic care, which emphasizes not only the resolution of existing issues but also the prevention of future problems through active patient engagement.

Dr. Lind actively addresses postural disorders through a comprehensive and hands-on approach. His active involvement in diagnosis, education, hands-on interventions, and collaborative planning empowers individuals to actively improve their posture and enhance their overall musculoskeletal health.

Contact us by clicking here or call 408-263-8025

Neuro-Muscular Re-education


Revitalize Your Movement: Neuro-Muscular Re-education (NMR) is a dynamic and transformative approach within chiropractic care, focusing on enhancing the connection between the nervous system and muscles. This innovative technique plays a crucial role in addressing muscular imbalances, improving coordination, and promoting optimal movement patterns for overall well-being.

At the core of Neuro-Muscular Re-education is the recognition that efficient movement is contingent upon effective communication between the nervous system and muscles. When this communication is disrupted, it can lead to muscular imbalances, poor posture, and compromised movement patterns. NMR seeks to identify and correct these imbalances through targeted exercises, adjustments, and neuromuscular training.

One of the primary goals of NMR is to retrain the muscles and nervous system to work harmoniously. Chiropractors specializing in NMR employ a comprehensive assessment to identify specific areas of dysfunction or weakness. This may involve observing movement patterns, conducting muscle testing, and utilizing advanced diagnostic tools to gain insights into the intricate relationship between muscles and nerves.

The targeted exercises used in Neuro-Muscular Re-education are designed to stimulate specific muscle groups and enhance neuromuscular coordination. This may include exercises that focus on balance, stability, and proprioception. By engaging in these tailored exercises, individuals can retrain their muscles to function optimally, improving overall movement efficiency.

Chiropractors skilled in NMR also provide personalized guidance on posture and body mechanics. Addressing improper posture and movement habits is integral to the re-education process. Patients receive practical insights into maintaining proper alignment and adopting healthier movement patterns in their daily lives.

The benefits of Neuro-Muscular Re-education extend beyond addressing immediate concerns. Individuals undergoing NMR often report not only improved muscle strength and coordination but also a reduction in pain, enhanced flexibility, and a heightened sense of body awareness. This comprehensive approach contributes to a more balanced and functional musculoskeletal system.

Choosing Neuro-Muscular Re-education as part of your chiropractic care means taking an active role in optimizing your movement patterns and overall health. The emphasis on targeted exercises, neuromuscular training, and postural guidance sets NMR apart as a proactive and empowering approach to musculoskeletal wellness.

In conclusion, Neuro-Muscular Re-education in chiropractic care offers a transformative path to revitalizing movement and enhancing overall well-being. By addressing the intricate relationship between the nervous system and muscles, NMR empowers individuals to retrain their bodies for optimal function. If you’re seeking a proactive and effective approach to musculoskeletal health, consider the revitalizing benefits of Neuro-Muscular Re-education with chiropractic care.


In the realm of professional sports, where substantial funds and extensive research are invested, a flood of information and misinformation inundates those of us engaged in more personalized training. At our chiropractic office, we emphasize the importance of training intelligently rather than relentlessly.

The phenomenon of overtraining is akin to a syndrome. It contradicts our inherent instinct to cease exercising merely due to fatigue. After all, how can one enhance strength and endurance without pushing through moments of weakness or weariness? The natural human reward system craves more of a good thing, disregarding the principle of diminishing returns. Contrary to the belief that more work equals greater rewards, over-training often results in the opposite.

Identifying signs of over-training is crucial:

  • Under-performance
  • Aches and pains
  • Fatigue following a standard workout
  • Changes in personality and mood
  • Depression
  • Loss of concentration
  • Chronic fatigue

Moreover, the process of muscle-building hinges on a delicate balance between stress and rest. Muscles undergo microscopic tears during stress, and the repair process, leading to growth, occurs during rest. Achieving healthy muscle growth necessitates a state where muscle protein synthesis outweighs protein breakdown.

Many symptoms of over-training can be linked to imbalances in the nervous system, and this is where our expertise comes into play at our office. If your body is enduring excessive physical stress and not enough rest, we can nurture the body back to health. A program of chiropractic adjustment, rest, taking a break from weights, pursuing light cardiovascular exercise, and proper attention to hydration and nutrition will have you feeling yourself again in no time. 

We can help you get in touch with your body: call our office to schedule an appointment today

Muscle Building

Muscle building is all about efficiency: the process begins when motor neurons initiate communication with the muscle, telling it to contract. As a chiropractor, we are concerned with the nerve pathways; ensuring that your body can communicate fluidly without the interference of subluxated vertebrae is what we offer to the serious and casual muscle builders alike.

So, what is your personal fitness goal? Whether you are aiming to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or simply to build supportive muscles, making your body strong and resistant, our office can help. We take stock of the physical condition of your spine and provide proper adjustments that allow your brain and muscles to communicate without interference. 

Along the way, muscles can become strained: weight lifting at too high a tempo, with too much weight, or for too long without reprieve can result in muscle spasm, joint sprain, tissue damage, and other counterproductive injuries. We practice modalities that heal these injuries quicker and get you back to pursuing the muscle gain that you are after. 

Give our office a call to get started.